Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Oh dear... It seems I've been a bad blog keeper... How long has it been since I last added a post? At least a couple months? Oy... Nothing like pork that's gone bad...

Anyway, what brought me back to you all (FINALLY) is that I wanted to tell you guys about an idea I had. You know about how half of the world's problems occur through pure ignorence? Not necassarily people being stupid, just people not knowing any better? Well, do you know what a lot of cultures have in common (ok, the list actually goes on and on besides this one thing I'm about to mention, but this is just the most fun one of them all)? Winter holidays!

So then, I got to thinking... You know how people always say to imagine yourself in other peoples shoes? Well, what if people were to imagine themselves as a part of these different cultures by celebrating not one, not two, but ALL of the major winter holidays?

I got so excited by this idea! What better way to spend time with loved ones than by lighting your menorah next to your Christmas tree (in your burka as you pray to your temple to Brahma and polish your statue of Buddha)? To be a Muslim, a Jew, a Christian, a Hindu and a Buddist all wrapped in one (Not to mention Frank Costanza's Festivas)! It would be called "The Month of Unity" and everyone would join hands and sing songs of peace and love and joy. The excitement of it was uncontrollable! "I want to start right away!", I thought.

But then someone informed me that Ramadan had already started and I'd ruined it by eating during daylight hours (whoops!) And Hannukah only had one day left... So, basically, I'd already screwed the unity all up...

But it's not too late for next year, right? Will anybody else join me in the challenge of fulfilling this "Day of Unity?" :3

Signing off,
Yours Truly,

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