Wednesday, August 18, 2010

High School For a Pig

Hey, everyone!

Well, something new has happened, guys! Ma started high school! (Ok. I know what you were thinking. "WHAT?!? PREGNANT AT 13?!? WHAT AN IRRESPONSIBLE GIRL!!!" And, well, frankly... I can't argue with you on that one... If I am biological and all... Some people think I'm adopted... I hope I'm not... That'd be sad...) So, anyway, she's having a lot of fun with it! There's something I should probably tell you, though... She's managed to find a way to sneak me in...

You know what that means, right? I'm the first pig EVER to get an education! Isn't that awesome?!? It's especially cool because I don't even have to do any of the work! Ma takes care of it all!

...Ok... So, MAYBE that negates the whole learning part of it... But it's hard for me to move when everyone is there just looking at me! I can't take the pressure... That's why I always lock the door when I'm writing these... Cause, if anyone walks in, I tense up and can't move!

But I think this is still an accomplishment. Don't you? A pig in public school... I ought to be on the news!

Oh. I don't think I've mentioned yet. But the school is the Broadripple Magnet School for the Arts and Humanities... Otherwise known as BRMSA!!! (The joke doesn't translate well to writing... But you're supposed to try and say it all together like it's one word...) Ma, of course, is in the theatre magnet.

Me? Well, since I'm not technically registered, I don't really have a magnet... But, if I were to have one, it would probably be in the humanities. You know, I'm sure I could get information from there to help with one of my ideal career choices.

Have I told you what those were? Well, I'd really like to be innvloved in politics. Either a lawyer or the President. If I couldn't be one of those, I'd love to be a journalist!

But, of course, the president would be my favorite... Could you imagine? A pig for president? Talk about the ultimate animal equality! That's the American dream... (Well, it is for those of us with fur or hooves or fins or wings...)

So, that concludes things for today! I'd say please join me next week, but I honestly have no clue when I'd post something new... Sorry... I'm a fairly spontaneous bag...

Signing off,
Yours Truly,


  1. but wait... if katherine got pregnet... does that mean im your biological father? ugh... confussion.

  2. BRMSA!!!!
    And I seriously think we need a Baconbits for President official campaign button now.

  3. You mean... You're not my biological father, Pa...?

    AND YES! I would absolutely love buttons for my campaign!!! XD

  4. Chance had better NOT be the biological father!
    There had better NOT be any biological father!

  5. Haha, yay highschool!
